Through our Organization Membership program, business partners receive networking opportunities, visibility, and a variety of exclusive
benefits and privileges. Organization Members may choose to become part of Les Amis de l'Alliance, a highly visible program that
gives an ongoing discount to Alliance members. The list of Amis is distributed to all new students and in mailings to new and renewing
members. The commitment of business members helps the Alliance carry out its mission in the French and Francophone communities.
a special benefit of Organization Membership
For-profit Organization members can submit 1-2 articles per year for the Alliance bulletin and may be mentioned in seasonal promotions on a space-available basis. Non-profit Organization members (including the fields of education and host-exchange programs) can submit 1-2 complimentary entries/articles/promotions per year. Organization members may be included in seasonal promotions by invitation.
Additional individual postings for Organization members are $50 per posting ($40 for non-profits) and are subject to space limitations and the discretion of the Alliance.