Private Tutoring Request

First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Email Address
First class at  Alliance?
Current Alliance member? 
Preferred class format
Preferred time of day
Frequency & length of lessons: How many times per week? How long each time?
Background and/or level in French
Your specific French goals
Instructor preference, if any. Also, would you prefer in-person , online via Zoom, or do you have no preference?
Is the student a child?
Child's date of birth
Parent's First Name
Parent's Last Name



Street parking on SW 20th St. facing the Kamm House is limited. Free parking is available in Lot A at SW 18th and SW Columbia. Please obtain a parking pass from the office. After 6 pm weekdays, students may park in the Willamette Dental lot at SW 20th and SW Jefferson as available.


The Alliance office is open 10am-3pm Monday through Friday.
Call us at 503.223.8388 during business hours or leave a message.
Email us at



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