Mini Classes

Mini classes are a perfect opportunity to keep studying French without a long commitment. Each class targets a specific area or theme. Mini classes are offered in a series of 4 weeks, 1h 30 hours per session. 

Registration for fall mini classes is now open. REGISTRATION CLOSES 24H BEFORE CLASS BEGINS. Last minute registrations are possible, but please  contact the office at

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Fall Mini Classes: October-November 2024

Classes For Beginning And Lower Intermediate Levels

A1-level students can take Beginning Classes, while A2-level students can join Lower Intermediate Classes. The mixed-level class A1/A2 is designed for students finishing A1 or starting A2. Find prerequisites, read full class description, and register by clicking "Read More" in the class descriptions.


Conversational French for Beginners: Everyday Topics

This class offers a supportive environment for learners at the 103 level or equivalent to enhance their speaking skills through interactive activities and discussions on everyday topics like family, sports, and daily routines.

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Rise and Shine: Mornings in French

A lively morning class that combines humorous discussions about quirky daily routines with creative activities, allowing students to enhance their French skills while enjoying a fun start to the day.

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French Sounds & Spelling Basics

Master the relationship between French sounds and their written forms through practical exercises that enhance your pronunciation, spelling, and understanding of phonetic rules.

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The Essentials of Grammar

This course helps students improve their French language skills through observation and reflection on grammar in everyday communicative situations, catering to those looking to enhance their abilities or planning to move to a French-speaking country.

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Conversational French for Lower Intermediate Learners

Enhance your speaking skills in this class through discussions on everyday topics like social media, travel experiences, and nutrition, fostering confidence and fluency in contemporary French dialogue.

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French for Travelers: Essential Skills for Your Trip to France

Prepare for your trip to France with essential skills to navigate confidently, including finding your way in cities, using public transportation, ordering in restaurants, making purchases, and engaging in basic conversations, all while exploring French culture through geography and gastronomy.

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Grands musées de France

This class is for cultural enthusiasts and history buffs alike, focusing on the history and inner workings of renowned French museums, including major institutions as well as lesser-known ones; full information can be found in the class description.

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Classes For Intermediate Level

These classes are for B1-level students, A2 graduates, or current 300-level learners. Find prerequisites, read full class description, and register by clicking "Read More" in the class descriptions.


Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary French

This course explores how language in French society reflects and shapes views on gender and sexuality, with a focus on inclusive language and its influence on identity.

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Conversational French for Intermediate Learners

Enhance your speaking skills by discussing contemporary issues like technology, immigration, cultural diversity, eco-friendly transportation, and gender equality, while building fluency through dynamic conversations and interactive activities.

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I Want to Speak to the Manager

Explore cultural perspectives on protests and complaints in France, practice language skills for filing complaints, and gain insights into the historical and sociological roots of strikes. Join us for a thought-provoking experience that combines language learning with insights into French culture and society! 

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Mixed Level Classes For Intermediate, High Inter-mediate and Advanced Levels

Mixed-level cultural classes are for students between levels, like upper intermediate and advanced. Classes are designated B1/B2 or B1 through C1, with specific prerequisites for each. Find prerequisites, read full class description, and register by clicking "Read More" in the class descriptions.


French Legends and Folklore: Exploring Myths, Creatures, and Magical Tales

Immerse yourself in French regional culture and history through myths, legends, and fantastical tales, expanding your vocabulary and improving your French through discussions and presentations

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B1 through C1 

Discover Swiss Culture

Discover Switzerland's captivating history, rich traditions, delicious cuisine, and unique politics while enhancing your French language skills in this engaging course, with an option for oral presentations.

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B1 through C1 


Explore the works of prominent filmmakers in French cinema as continuations of their aesthetic choices, focusing on recurring themes, characters, and historical contexts across a series of films by celebrated « auteurs ». Read detailed information about the class, the movies, and links to where you can find the films in this document.

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Advanced Level Classes

Advanced classes are available for B2, C1, and mixed B2/C1 levels, each with specific prerequisites. Find prerequisites, read full class description, and register by clicking "Read More" in the class descriptions.


YouTube French: Exploring Language through Video

Discover YouTube content while enhancing your listening comprehension and spoken French through discussions of themes, styles, and messages in this interactive class.

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Conversational French for Advanced Learners

Engage in thought-provoking discussions on significant societal issues in this advanced French conversation class, covering topics like individual freedoms, climate change, and social inequalities while refining your language skills through lively debates.

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Lunch Break Discussions: Work Culture in France

Explore work culture in France through modern media, analyzing and discussing newspaper articles and various content to understand the values and challenges of the French professional world while enhancing your French language skills.

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Lunch Break Discussions: La Cancel Culture

Examine Cancel Culture through the lens of art and celebrity, exploring figures like Gérard Depardieu, Roman Polanski, and others, and debating whether we can or should separate the artist from their work, while reflecting on ethics and societal changes.

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Lunch Break Discussions: Le Crime Presque Parfait - True Crime

Dive into the world of true crime as we examine notorious criminals and iconic cases, from Landru to Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, including vintage cases and the latest scandals making headlines today.

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Histoire de France : le 20ème siècle

This advanced course examines pivotal 20th-century events, including the complexities of World War II, the revolutionary spirit of May 1968, and the evolution of the European Union, highlighting France's role in shaping its historical trajectory and contemporary relevance.

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Grands personnages politiques

Explore the lives and legacies of influential French political figures like Charles de Gaulle, Simone Veil, Robert Badinter, Gisèle Halimi, and Christine Lagarde, examining their lasting impacts on society through advancements in human rights and the reshaping of legal and economic systems.

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Grands personnages historiques

Discover the lives and contributions of historical figures who have shaped France and the world, including iconic writers Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac, groundbreaking scientists Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur, legendary fashion designers Coco Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent, freedom fighters like Jean Moulin and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and renowned chefs Auguste Escoffier and Paul Bocuse.

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Children and Youth

Unsure of your level?  Click here to take a free placement test.

A1 - Beginner

Conversational French for Beginners: Everyday Topics

Join us for a Beginning French Conversation class designed for learners eager to develop their speaking skills in a supportive environment. In this course, students will explore a selection of everyday themes tailored to the group's level and preferences. Topics may include introductions, family discussions, sports, leisure activities, daily routines, grocery shopping, weather preferences, seasonal clothing, and pets. Participants will engage in interactive activities, group discussions, and role-playing, allowing them to build confidence and fluency in everyday French conversation. Prerequisites: basic French, 103 level or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

French Sounds & Spelling Basics

The Basics of Phonie-Graphie is a course designed to help you master the relationship between French sounds and their written forms. Through practical exercises, you'll learn to improve your pronunciation, identify the unique sounds of French, and understand how these sounds are represented in writing. This course is perfect for learners looking to enhance both their pronunciation and spelling while strengthening their understanding of French phonetic and spelling rules. Prerequisites: basic French, 103 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Rise and Shine: Mornings in French

Wake up and smell the croissants with our "Rise and Shine: Mornings in French" class! This early morning adventure will have you chatting about your daily life before your coffee even kicks in. Ever wondered about the daily routine of a zookeeper? Or pondered when a vampire manages to wash the dishes? You’ll get to answer these burning questions and more as we dive into the quirks of morning rituals! With a mix of hilarious discussions and creative activities, you’ll build your French skills while having a blast. So, grab your baguette and join us for a fun start to your day! Prerequisites: Basic French, 103 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

The Essentials of Grammar

The Essentials of Grammar (A1/A2) is designed for students learning French as a foreign language who want to improve their language skills, or for those planning to move to France or a French-speaking country. This mini-course helps you explore grammar through observation and reflection, with lessons based on everyday communicative situations. Prerequisites: 104 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular
A2 - Lower Intermediate

Conversational French for Lower Intermediate Learners

Join us for lower intermediate French conversation class designed for learners looking to enhance their speaking skills while exploring relevant everyday topics. Participants will discuss social media, share simple travel experiences, and talk about nutrition and favorite sports. The class will also provide opportunities to discuss cultural customs and express professional dreams in a supportive environment. Through interactive discussions and activities, learners will build confidence and fluency in navigating contemporary French conversation. Prerequisites: CECR A1, 106 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

French for Travelers: Essential Skills for Your Trip to France

Planning a trip to France? This course will equip you with essential skills to navigate your travels confidently. You will learn how to find your way in a city, use public transportation, ask for directions, order at a restaurant, make purchases, and engage in basic conversations in French. Additionally, we will explore French culture through geography, gastronomy, and must-see cultural and natural sites. Our approach will include games, role-playing scenarios, songs, and conversations, with a focus on understanding and practicing spoken French. The course will also be tailored to meet your specific travel needs, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your travel plans. This class is open to students at level A2, with the prerequisite of having completed level 106 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

Grands musées de France

This class is for cultural enthusiasts curious about the history and inner workings of renowned French museums, as well as for history buffs interested in uncovering the stories behind the institutions that house France's cultural treasures.

Learn about French museums, including Le Louvre and Le Centre Pompidou (renowned for classical and modern art), La Piscine de Roubaix and Les Abattoirs in Toulouse (built in former public spaces), Le Musée des Confluences in Lyon and Le Musée de la Romanité in Nîmes (known for its unique architecture), Le Musée des Impressionnismes in Giverny and the Musée Gustave Moreau in Paris (former residences of artists). Gain insights into the origin and evolution of these museums, understanding how they have evolved into beacons of knowledge and guardians ofFrance's collective memory. Prerequisites: CECR A2, 106 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular
B1 - Intermediate

Conversational French for Intermediate Learners

Join us for Intermediate French Conversation class where students will enhance their speaking skills while exploring relevant contemporary issues. Participants will discuss the role of new technologies in daily life, immigration, and cultural diversity, while debating current trends and the media's influence on fashion. The class will also highlight the advantages of learning a new language and effective learning methods. Students will share their interests in cultural activities such as cinema, music, exhibitions, and theater, and engage in conversations about eco-friendly transportation and gender equality. Through dynamic discussions and interactive activities, learners will build confidence and fluency in navigating modern French conversation. Prerequisites: CECR A2, 206 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Discover Swiss Culture

Welcome to our French class on Switzerland! When we mention milk chocolate, banking secrecy, Heidi, and neutrality, what country comes to mind? Switzerland, of course! In this course, you'll have the opportunity to discover the characteristics of this small country and its French-speaking region through its captivating history, rich traditions, delicious cuisine, distinctive French language, and unique politics. Get ready to uncover the best-kept secrets of the Swiss Confederation! Additionally, students will have the option, if they choose, to prepare oral presentations. Join us for a fascinating exploration of Switzerland through the French language. This class is open to students at level B1 and above, with the prerequisite of having completed level 301 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

French Legends and Folklore: Exploring Myths, Creatures, and Magical Tales

When it comes to legends, fantastical creatures, fabulous or, on the contrary, monstrous characters, epic and magical tales, France is not lacking. Throughout the centuries, myths and legends have shaped the French regions and are now an integral part of their history and heritage. Each legend invites us to travel through a French terroir filled with enchanted forests, bloodthirsty beasts, dragon-like monsters, terrifying ghosts, or even fairies with extraordinary powers... You will experience an immersion that will take you on a journey through regional French culture and history. You will expand your French vocabulary through enchanted stories and documented analyses. You will improve your French by participating in conversations and oral and written presentations. This class is open to students at levels B1 and B2, with the prerequisite of having completed level 206 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

Gender and Sexuality in Contemporary French

This course explores the evolving landscape of language in French society, addressing questions such as the appropriateness of terms like "mademoiselle" and "pédé," the use of gendered language like "le" or "la" médecin, and the understanding of concepts like bisexuality and non-binary identities. Through four sessions, we delve into how language reflects and shapes perceptions of gender and sexuality, examining the emergence of inclusive language and its impact on personal identity. Participants gain insights into the nuances brought by gender and sexuality studies to the French language, empowering them to make informed choices about language usage in their reading, listening, writing, and speaking endeavors. This class is open to students at level B1, with the prerequisite of having completed level 206 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

I Want to Speak to the Manager

In "I Want to Speak to the Manager" class students will explore cultural perspectives on protests and complaints in France. The curriculum will examine the reasons behind frequent strikes and the historical and sociological roots of this approach to expressing grievances. Participants will practice their language skills while learning how to effectively file a complaint in French, providing a well-rounded understanding of this vital aspect of communication. Join us for a thought-provoking experience that combines language learning with insights into French culture and society! Prerequisites: CECR A2, 206 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular


In this class on film d’auteur, we examine works as continuations of a filmmaker's aesthetic choices rather than as isolated creations. The signature of the « auteur » emerges through the preferred stories and characters, the recurring actors, and the consistent aesthetic elements present across their films.
The film series will showcase four prominent filmmakers from French cinema, each placing their characters in distinct universes. Each selected film reflects a specific historical context, influenced by the political and social landscape of its time as well as the evolution of filmmaking. Join us on this journey to explore the unique visions of these celebrated « auteurs ». Read in a class description document detailed information about the class, the movies, and links to where you can find the films. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Discover Swiss Culture

Welcome to our French class on Switzerland! When we mention milk chocolate, banking secrecy, Heidi, and neutrality, what country comes to mind? Switzerland, of course! In this course, you'll have the opportunity to discover the characteristics of this small country and its French-speaking region through its captivating history, rich traditions, delicious cuisine, distinctive French language, and unique politics. Get ready to uncover the best-kept secrets of the Swiss Confederation! Additionally, students will have the option, if they choose, to prepare oral presentations. Join us for a fascinating exploration of Switzerland through the French language. This class is open to students at level B1 and above, with the prerequisite of having completed level 301 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

French Legends and Folklore: Exploring Myths, Creatures, and Magical Tales

When it comes to legends, fantastical creatures, fabulous or, on the contrary, monstrous characters, epic and magical tales, France is not lacking. Throughout the centuries, myths and legends have shaped the French regions and are now an integral part of their history and heritage. Each legend invites us to travel through a French terroir filled with enchanted forests, bloodthirsty beasts, dragon-like monsters, terrifying ghosts, or even fairies with extraordinary powers... You will experience an immersion that will take you on a journey through regional French culture and history. You will expand your French vocabulary through enchanted stories and documented analyses. You will improve your French by participating in conversations and oral and written presentations. This class is open to students at levels B1 and B2, with the prerequisite of having completed level 206 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular


In this class on film d’auteur, we examine works as continuations of a filmmaker's aesthetic choices rather than as isolated creations. The signature of the « auteur » emerges through the preferred stories and characters, the recurring actors, and the consistent aesthetic elements present across their films.
The film series will showcase four prominent filmmakers from French cinema, each placing their characters in distinct universes. Each selected film reflects a specific historical context, influenced by the political and social landscape of its time as well as the evolution of filmmaking. Join us on this journey to explore the unique visions of these celebrated « auteurs ». Read in a class description document detailed information about the class, the movies, and links to where you can find the films. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular
B2 - Lower Advanced

Discover Swiss Culture

Welcome to our French class on Switzerland! When we mention milk chocolate, banking secrecy, Heidi, and neutrality, what country comes to mind? Switzerland, of course! In this course, you'll have the opportunity to discover the characteristics of this small country and its French-speaking region through its captivating history, rich traditions, delicious cuisine, distinctive French language, and unique politics. Get ready to uncover the best-kept secrets of the Swiss Confederation! Additionally, students will have the option, if they choose, to prepare oral presentations. Join us for a fascinating exploration of Switzerland through the French language. This class is open to students at level B1 and above, with the prerequisite of having completed level 301 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

French Legends and Folklore: Exploring Myths, Creatures, and Magical Tales

When it comes to legends, fantastical creatures, fabulous or, on the contrary, monstrous characters, epic and magical tales, France is not lacking. Throughout the centuries, myths and legends have shaped the French regions and are now an integral part of their history and heritage. Each legend invites us to travel through a French terroir filled with enchanted forests, bloodthirsty beasts, dragon-like monsters, terrifying ghosts, or even fairies with extraordinary powers... You will experience an immersion that will take you on a journey through regional French culture and history. You will expand your French vocabulary through enchanted stories and documented analyses. You will improve your French by participating in conversations and oral and written presentations. This class is open to students at levels B1 and B2, with the prerequisite of having completed level 206 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

Grands personnages historiques

Explore the lives and contributions of influential historical figures who have shaped France and the world. Discover the iconic writers Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac, delve into the groundbreaking discoveries of scientists like Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur, and examine the impact of legendary fashion designers Coco Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent. Analyze the courage of freedom fighters such as Jean Moulin and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and celebrate the culinary artistry of chefs like Auguste Escoffier and Paul Bocuse. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Grands personnages politiques

Learn about the lives and legacies of some of France's most influential political figures who have transcended partisan lines to make a lasting impact on society. Examine the careers of leaders such as Charles de Gaulle, Simone Veil, Robert Badinter, Gisèle Halimi, and Christine Lagarde. From advancing human rights to reshaping legal and economic systems, these figures have left an indelible mark on France and the world. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Histoire de France : le 20ème siècle

This advanced course focuses on the pivotal events of the 20th century. We will explore the complexities of World War II (1939-1945) and its lasting impact on French society. The course will also delve into the revolutionary spirit of May 1968, examining the social movements that reshaped the nation. Finally, we will discuss the formation and evolution of the European Union, highlighting France's role in this significant political landscape. Through engaging discussions and in-depth analyses, you will gain a deeper understanding of France's historical trajectory and its contemporary relevance. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular


In this class on film d’auteur, we examine works as continuations of a filmmaker's aesthetic choices rather than as isolated creations. The signature of the « auteur » emerges through the preferred stories and characters, the recurring actors, and the consistent aesthetic elements present across their films.
The film series will showcase four prominent filmmakers from French cinema, each placing their characters in distinct universes. Each selected film reflects a specific historical context, influenced by the political and social landscape of its time as well as the evolution of filmmaking. Join us on this journey to explore the unique visions of these celebrated « auteurs ». Read in a class description document detailed information about the class, the movies, and links to where you can find the films. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: La Cancel Culture

Explore the phenomenon of Cancel Culture through the lens of art and celebrity. Each session will spotlight an artist who has been "canceled" by public opinion, often due to the repercussions of the Me Too movement. We will discuss changing social mores, which we hope are for the better, and pose the crucial question: can and should we separate the artist from the art? Among the figures examined will be Gérard Depardieu, Judith Godreche, and Jacques Doillon, as well as historical artists like Paul Gauguin, author Gabriel Matzneff, and Roman Polanski. This course invites deep reflection on contemporary issues surrounding art, ethics, and society. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 306 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: Le Crime Presque Parfait - True Crime

Dive into the fascinating world of true crime. Take a glimpse into some of the most notorious criminals, from vintage cases to the latest scandals still making headlines today. We'll explore iconic cases such as Landru, the Papin sisters, Dr. Petiot, the Serpent, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, and the Mazan affair. Get ready to explore the mysteries of crime while perfecting your French! Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: Work Culture in France

Discover work culture in France through the lens of modern media. Utilizing newspaper articles, as well as satirical and serious content, we will engage in in-depth discussions about the values, challenges, and evolutions of the French professional world. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze and debate representations of work across different media types while improving their mastery of the French language. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

YouTube French: Exploring Language through Video

In "French through YouTube," participants will discover a variety of interesting, funny, and informative content from the platform. Each session will focus on listening comprehension, as we explore diverse videos together and discuss their themes, styles, and messages. This interactive format encourages students to practice their spoken French while enhancing their understanding of the language in a contemporary context. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 306 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Discover Swiss Culture

Welcome to our French class on Switzerland! When we mention milk chocolate, banking secrecy, Heidi, and neutrality, what country comes to mind? Switzerland, of course! In this course, you'll have the opportunity to discover the characteristics of this small country and its French-speaking region through its captivating history, rich traditions, delicious cuisine, distinctive French language, and unique politics. Get ready to uncover the best-kept secrets of the Swiss Confederation! Additionally, students will have the option, if they choose, to prepare oral presentations. Join us for a fascinating exploration of Switzerland through the French language. This class is open to students at level B1 and above, with the prerequisite of having completed level 301 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

Grands personnages historiques

Explore the lives and contributions of influential historical figures who have shaped France and the world. Discover the iconic writers Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac, delve into the groundbreaking discoveries of scientists like Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur, and examine the impact of legendary fashion designers Coco Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent. Analyze the courage of freedom fighters such as Jean Moulin and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and celebrate the culinary artistry of chefs like Auguste Escoffier and Paul Bocuse. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Grands personnages politiques

Learn about the lives and legacies of some of France's most influential political figures who have transcended partisan lines to make a lasting impact on society. Examine the careers of leaders such as Charles de Gaulle, Simone Veil, Robert Badinter, Gisèle Halimi, and Christine Lagarde. From advancing human rights to reshaping legal and economic systems, these figures have left an indelible mark on France and the world. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Histoire de France : le 20ème siècle

This advanced course focuses on the pivotal events of the 20th century. We will explore the complexities of World War II (1939-1945) and its lasting impact on French society. The course will also delve into the revolutionary spirit of May 1968, examining the social movements that reshaped the nation. Finally, we will discuss the formation and evolution of the European Union, highlighting France's role in this significant political landscape. Through engaging discussions and in-depth analyses, you will gain a deeper understanding of France's historical trajectory and its contemporary relevance. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular


In this class on film d’auteur, we examine works as continuations of a filmmaker's aesthetic choices rather than as isolated creations. The signature of the « auteur » emerges through the preferred stories and characters, the recurring actors, and the consistent aesthetic elements present across their films.
The film series will showcase four prominent filmmakers from French cinema, each placing their characters in distinct universes. Each selected film reflects a specific historical context, influenced by the political and social landscape of its time as well as the evolution of filmmaking. Join us on this journey to explore the unique visions of these celebrated « auteurs ». Read in a class description document detailed information about the class, the movies, and links to where you can find the films. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: La Cancel Culture

Explore the phenomenon of Cancel Culture through the lens of art and celebrity. Each session will spotlight an artist who has been "canceled" by public opinion, often due to the repercussions of the Me Too movement. We will discuss changing social mores, which we hope are for the better, and pose the crucial question: can and should we separate the artist from the art? Among the figures examined will be Gérard Depardieu, Judith Godreche, and Jacques Doillon, as well as historical artists like Paul Gauguin, author Gabriel Matzneff, and Roman Polanski. This course invites deep reflection on contemporary issues surrounding art, ethics, and society. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 306 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: Le Crime Presque Parfait - True Crime

Dive into the fascinating world of true crime. Take a glimpse into some of the most notorious criminals, from vintage cases to the latest scandals still making headlines today. We'll explore iconic cases such as Landru, the Papin sisters, Dr. Petiot, the Serpent, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, and the Mazan affair. Get ready to explore the mysteries of crime while perfecting your French! Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: Work Culture in France

Discover work culture in France through the lens of modern media. Utilizing newspaper articles, as well as satirical and serious content, we will engage in in-depth discussions about the values, challenges, and evolutions of the French professional world. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze and debate representations of work across different media types while improving their mastery of the French language. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular
C1 - Advanced

Conversational French for Advanced Learners

This advanced French conversation class encourages learners to engage in thought-provoking discussions on significant societal issues. Participants will debate topics such as individual freedoms, minority rights, climate change, and the impact of artificial intelligence on employment. We will explore social inequalities, ethical dilemmas in medical innovations, globalization, and the role of media in society. Additional themes may include immigration policies, feminism, mental health, and the influence of art. The specific topics will be chosen based on the group's interests, ensuring relevant and engaging discussions. Through lively debates and collaborative interactions, students will refine their language skills while critically engaging with contemporary issues. Prerequisites: CECR B2. 406 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Discover Swiss Culture

Welcome to our French class on Switzerland! When we mention milk chocolate, banking secrecy, Heidi, and neutrality, what country comes to mind? Switzerland, of course! In this course, you'll have the opportunity to discover the characteristics of this small country and its French-speaking region through its captivating history, rich traditions, delicious cuisine, distinctive French language, and unique politics. Get ready to uncover the best-kept secrets of the Swiss Confederation! Additionally, students will have the option, if they choose, to prepare oral presentations. Join us for a fascinating exploration of Switzerland through the French language. This class is open to students at level B1 and above, with the prerequisite of having completed level 301 or possessing an equivalent level.
Pace: Regular

Grands personnages historiques

Explore the lives and contributions of influential historical figures who have shaped France and the world. Discover the iconic writers Victor Hugo and Honoré de Balzac, delve into the groundbreaking discoveries of scientists like Marie Curie and Louis Pasteur, and examine the impact of legendary fashion designers Coco Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent. Analyze the courage of freedom fighters such as Jean Moulin and Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, and celebrate the culinary artistry of chefs like Auguste Escoffier and Paul Bocuse. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Grands personnages politiques

Learn about the lives and legacies of some of France's most influential political figures who have transcended partisan lines to make a lasting impact on society. Examine the careers of leaders such as Charles de Gaulle, Simone Veil, Robert Badinter, Gisèle Halimi, and Christine Lagarde. From advancing human rights to reshaping legal and economic systems, these figures have left an indelible mark on France and the world. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Histoire de France : le 20ème siècle

This advanced course focuses on the pivotal events of the 20th century. We will explore the complexities of World War II (1939-1945) and its lasting impact on French society. The course will also delve into the revolutionary spirit of May 1968, examining the social movements that reshaped the nation. Finally, we will discuss the formation and evolution of the European Union, highlighting France's role in this significant political landscape. Through engaging discussions and in-depth analyses, you will gain a deeper understanding of France's historical trajectory and its contemporary relevance. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular


In this class on film d’auteur, we examine works as continuations of a filmmaker's aesthetic choices rather than as isolated creations. The signature of the « auteur » emerges through the preferred stories and characters, the recurring actors, and the consistent aesthetic elements present across their films.
The film series will showcase four prominent filmmakers from French cinema, each placing their characters in distinct universes. Each selected film reflects a specific historical context, influenced by the political and social landscape of its time as well as the evolution of filmmaking. Join us on this journey to explore the unique visions of these celebrated « auteurs ». Read in a class description document detailed information about the class, the movies, and links to where you can find the films. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: La Cancel Culture

Explore the phenomenon of Cancel Culture through the lens of art and celebrity. Each session will spotlight an artist who has been "canceled" by public opinion, often due to the repercussions of the Me Too movement. We will discuss changing social mores, which we hope are for the better, and pose the crucial question: can and should we separate the artist from the art? Among the figures examined will be Gérard Depardieu, Judith Godreche, and Jacques Doillon, as well as historical artists like Paul Gauguin, author Gabriel Matzneff, and Roman Polanski. This course invites deep reflection on contemporary issues surrounding art, ethics, and society. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 306 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: Le Crime Presque Parfait - True Crime

Dive into the fascinating world of true crime. Take a glimpse into some of the most notorious criminals, from vintage cases to the latest scandals still making headlines today. We'll explore iconic cases such as Landru, the Papin sisters, Dr. Petiot, the Serpent, Xavier Dupont de Ligonnès, and the Mazan affair. Get ready to explore the mysteries of crime while perfecting your French! Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Lunch Break Discussions: Work Culture in France

Discover work culture in France through the lens of modern media. Utilizing newspaper articles, as well as satirical and serious content, we will engage in in-depth discussions about the values, challenges, and evolutions of the French professional world. Participants will have the opportunity to analyze and debate representations of work across different media types while improving their mastery of the French language. Prerequisites: CECR B1, 303 or equivalent.
Pace: Regular

Order This Course

$150.00 USD

Code: 24A Minis Sounds A1-pm

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