10% Early Bird (code EARLYBIRD) or 15% Senior (code SENIOR) discounts available until March 16! Apply manually at checkout. 10% Early Bird (code EARLYBIRD) or 15% Senior (code SENIOR) discounts available until March 16! Apply manually at checkout.

Spring Term - March 31 - June 7

Already selected your class? Skip to REGISTRATION

The Alliance offers group classes well as private instruction. Select from a variety of options to enhance your French language skills, including 10-week specialty and French culture courses, core classes, 4-week mini courses, four-day kickstart courses, or unique 2-hour workshops. Learn French online or immerse yourself with in-person classes.

New This Spring

Explore new classes this winter by using the arrows to navigate forward.

"French Couturiers and their legacy”. Le chic parisien d'hier à aujourd'hui

Discover the fascinating history of French fashion through the iconic couturiers who have left their mark on their era. This course will explore the unique contributions of some of the most famous names in French fashion, shedding light on their impact on culture, art, and society.

Kick-start French

March 17-20, 2024 

Get a head start on the next level, have an in-depth review and practice! The Kick-start French Program is a 4-day intensive brush-up class (2.5 hours per day with two short breaks) offered for A1, A2 and B1 level students. Each class will focus on grammar, vocabulary and conversation skills.  Scroll down for schedule and registration. Note that this program is not a repeat of previous seasons. 

The 4-day program price is $230. Early registration price is $198 until February 23.

Register Register

French Class Types for Every Level

Core Skills

Learning French grammar, pronunciation and speaking skills

Core classes move students through well-defined coursework toward fluency. They are organized in five levels, with regular or accelerated pacing available for lower-level courses. 

  • Beginner - A1 level classes, 101 through 106
  • Lower Intermediate - A2 level classes, 201 through 206 
  • Intermediate - B1 level classes, 301 through 306
  • Lower Advanced - B2 level classes, 401 through 406
  • Advanced – C1 level classes, 501 through 506

Learn all about level progression and classes for adults.

Beginning students new to the Alliance: please read information about true beginners classes on this page.

Register Now Register Now

Specialty And Cultural Classes 

Discussion-based classes in arts, history, language mastery, etc.

 Cultural classes are discussion-based classes exposing students to different aspects of French arts, history or current events. 

Specialty classes offer students the opportunity to improve their French while concentrating on specific skills like grammar, phonetics, or conversation.

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Mini And Intensive Programs 

Pressé? Opt for mini classes and intensive French language courses

Mini Classes
For all students:  Our curriculum includes a diverse range of new Mini Classes each quarter. Minis are the perfect opportunity to keep studying French without a long commitment. Each mini targets a specific area or theme during 90-minute weekly sessions for four weeks. 

Discover Program
Discover Program

Kick-start French
For beginning and intermediate students (A1, A2 and B1 levels), you can also accelerate your language skills with an intensive class. Kickstart French is a four-day intensive brush-up class (2.5 hours per day with two short breaks) right before the current term classes begin. Check out the dedicated page for details.

Discover Program Discover Program

Try Something New Week
During the long winter break, the Alliance offers French learning experiences that go with the holiday spirit. Treat yourself to something exclusive and entertaining, or try something you haven't had a chance to do this year, before it's over.

  Register Now Register Now

Use the code: earlybird for the 10% discount or senior for the 15% senior discount, until March 16.


 You have four ways to filter classes to suit your interests

  1. Unsure of your level? Click here to take a free placement test.
  2. Select by Level to view all classes in that level.
  3. Or select Type of class to see all Core, Specialty & Cultural Classes or Mini Classes.
  4. Or select Pace to find Accelerated or Normal-paced classes.
  5. Select Location to see whether classes are online or in-person.

 Ready to register?

Click on the gray box with the day and time to register.

 Teacher information

To see the teacher of a class, hold your cursor over the circled exclamation point in the class date/time box.

Beginning students

Students new to the Alliance: please read information about true beginners classes on this page.

 All students

Plan to pick up books before your first class, or arrange shipping for additional fee with our office. Books are not automatically shipped.

Course added to your cart! 
Checkout or add more course/s for yourself or another student.

Unsure of your level?  Click here to take a free placement test.

A1 - Beginner

101-102 Accelerated

Core Classes
This is a beginning French class designed for highly motivated language learners and/or those who have taken French in the past or had some exposure and need to cover the basics. The class combines True Beginner 101 and Beginner 102 into one term, by selectively exposing students to the necessary content to continue with confidence into Beginner 103.
Pace: Accelerated


Core Classes
Our 101 Core Class is for true beginners wishing to master A1 level. If you studied French before, please look into 101-102 Accelerated class. Défi 1 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. 
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
Our 102 Core Class is for beginners having completed 101 class and wishing to master A1 level. Défi 1 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. 
Pace: Regular

103-104 Accelerated

Core Classes
This is a beginning French class designed for highly motivated language learners. It combines Beginner 103 and Beginner 104 into one term, by selectively exposing students to the necessary content to continue with confidence into Beginner 105.
Pace: Accelerated


Core Classes
Our 103 Core Class is for beginners having completed the 102 class and wishing to master A1 level. Défi 1 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). 
Pace: Regular

105-106 Accelerated

Core Classes
This is a beginning French class designed for highly motivated language learners. It combines Beginner 105 and Beginner 106 into one term, by selectively exposing students to the necessary content to continue with confidence into Lower Intermediate 201.
Pace: Accelerated


Core Classes
Our 106 class is for students having completed the 105 class. It is the final class for mastering the A1 level. The Défi 1 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips).
Pace: Regular

Kick-Start French - Beginning - A1

Short Programs

Kick start your French into action! In this intensive four-day workshop, students will develop essential conversational and communicative skills for surviving in a Francophone environment. This course is designed for beginners who wish to solidify their understanding of the language, including basic grammar and vocabulary. Students should have the ability to understand and express themselves at a rudimentary level. Prerequisites: 103 or equivalent.


Essential Everyday French Beginner

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Chapters 1-9. This class is all about basic communication: conveying an idea, responding and reacting during a conversation, and understanding spoken French. Interaction and exchanges between students are facilitated by the instructor following weekly thematic topics that include essential vocabulary and grammar. This class is open to students who have successfully completed French 104. If you haven’t completed French 104, verify your level on our website under, “Find Your Level”.
Pace: Regular

French Grammar for Conversation A1/A2

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Part 2 of the book. Grammar For Conversation A1 and A2 level grammar concepts through everyday life situations using current spoken French. The course covers on average 2 chapters per session, during which students have the opportunity to discuss and apply grammar topics through written activities, conversation and audio comprehension.
Pace: Regular
A2 - Lower Intermediate


Core Classes
This is a fast-paced class offering an opportunity to advance into lower intermediate level twice as fast as a regular class. The class combines lower intermediate 201 and 202 into one term, by selectively exposing students to the necessary content to continue with confidence into 203.
Pace: Accelerated


Core Classes
201 class is the first step for students wishing to master the A2 level.Our A2 level Core Class is for students progressing from A1 level and wishing to master the A2 level.
Défi 2 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. Two options are offered: paper version of both, or Premium Bundle with paper Student Book and digital Workbook accessible through Espace Virtuel for 12 months (You will not have access to Workbook after 12 months unless you renew the subscription directly with the editor. More information about Espace Virtuel here: Premium books can not be exchanged or refunded.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
Our A2 level Core Class is for students progressing from A1 level and wishing to master the A2 level. Défi 2 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. Two options are offered: paper version of both, or Premium Bundle with paper Student Book and digital Workbook accessible through Espace Virtuel for 12 month (You will not have access to Workbook after 12 month unless you renew the subscription directly with the editor. More information about Espace Virtuel here: Premium books can not be exchanged or refunded.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
This is a fast-paced class offering an opportunity to advance into lower intermediate level twice as fast as a regular class. The class combines lower intermediate 203 and 204 into one term, by selectively exposing students to the necessary content to continue with confidence into 205.
Pace: Accelerated


Core Classes
203 class is the third step for students wishing to master the A2 level.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
This is a fast-paced classed offering an opportunity to advance into lower intermediate level twice as fast as a regular class. The class combines lower intermediate 205 and 206 into one term, by selectively exposing students to the necessary content to continue with confidence into 301.
Pace: Accelerated

Kick-Start French - Lower Intermediate - A2

Short Programs

Give your French a much needed boost! In this intensive four-day workshop, students will expand their linguistic repertoire and develop their ability to express themselves with more ease on a variety of familiar topics. This course is designed for learners at A2 level wishing to review and to bring their language skills to the next level. Prerequisites: 205 or equivalent.

Speak with Confidence: French Conversation Mastery B1

Specialty & Cultural Classes
In this conversation class, we'll begin by refreshing essential grammar and vocabulary before diving into speaking practice. Our experienced teacher will offer tailored support in grammar, vocabulary, and phonetics to help you feel at ease and enthusiastic about speaking. Topics covered: family and relationships, travel and holidays, education and work, shopping and services, health and well-being, culture and entertainment, society and environment, technology and media, food and cooking, weather and seasons.
Pace: Regular

Speak with Confidence: French Conversation Mastery A2/B1

Specialty & Cultural Classes
In this conversation class, we'll begin by refreshing essential grammar and vocabulary before diving into speaking practice. Our experienced teacher will offer tailored support in grammar, vocabulary, and phonetics to help you feel at ease and enthusiastic about speaking. Whether you're getting ready for a presentation, planning a trip, or simply looking to enhance your conversational skills, this class is designed to help you reach your goals with confidence and ease.
Pace: Regular
B1 - Intermediate

"French Couturiers and their legacy”. Le chic parisien d'hier à aujourd'hui

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Discover the fascinating history of French fashion through the iconic couturiers who have left their mark on their era. This course will explore the unique contributions of some of the most famous names in French fashion, shedding light on their impact on culture, art, and society.

We will begin by exploring the iconic legacy of Yves Saint Laurent; his collaborations with stars and his ties to art history, including iconic pieces like the Mondrian-inspired dress.

Then, we'll delve into Coco Chanel's pivotal role in women's emancipation, from popularizing trousers to her influence during the German occupation. We'll track the evolution of the Chanel Empire to the present, highlighting her enduring impact.

Following that, we'll conduct a detailed analysis of Dior and Courrèges, focusing on their contributions to women's liberation through innovations like the short skirt and the exploration of female body evolution in the 20th century.

Finally, we'll examine Jean-Paul Gaultier's groundbreaking work, his Parisian connections, his legendary collaboration with Madonna, and his influence on 2000s France. We'll also discuss the evolution of masculinity in fashion and the impact of fast fashion on the industry today.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
301 class is the first step for students wishing to master the B1 level. Our B1 level Core Class is for students progressing from A2 level and wishing to master the B1 level.
Défi 3 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. Two options are offered: paper version of both, or Premium Bundle with paper Student Book and digital Workbook accessible through Espace Virtuel for 12 months (You will not have access to Workbook after 12 months unless you renew the subscription directly with the editor. More information about Espace Virtuel here: Premium books can not be exchanged or refunded.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
302 class is the second step for students wishing to master the B1 level. Our B1 level Core Class is for students progressing from A2 level and wishing to master the B1 level. Défi 3 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. Two options are offered: paper version of both, or Premium Bundle with paper Student Book and digital Workbook accessible through Espace Virtuel for 12 months (You will not have access to Workbook after 12 months unless you renew the subscription directly with the editor. More information about Espace Virtuel here: Premium books can not be exchanged or refunded.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
303 class is the third step for students wishing to master the B1 level. Our B1 level Core Class is for students progressing from A2 level and wishing to master the B1 level.
Défi 3 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. Two options are offered: paper version of both, or Premium Bundle with paper Student Book and digital Workbook accessible through Espace Virtuel for 12 months (You will not have access to Workbook after 12 months unless you renew the subscription directly with the editor. More information about Espace Virtuel here: Premium books can not be exchanged or refunded.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
305 class is the fifth step for students wishing to master the B1 level. Our B1 level Core Class is for students progressing from A2 level and wishing to master the B1 level.
Défi 3 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook. Two options are offered: paper version of both, or Premium Bundle with paper Student Book and digital Workbook accessible through Espace Virtuel for 12 months (You will not have access to Workbook after 12 months unless you renew the subscription directly with the editor. More information about Espace Virtuel here: Premium books can not be exchanged or refunded.
Pace: Regular

DELF B1 Preparation

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Part 2. Having completed part 1 is not required. This class will interest you if: 1. You are planning on passing DELF B1 exam and need to prepare for it. 2. You’ve completed B1 level and wish to consolidate the newly acquired skills, all the while evaluating your strengths and weaknesses before jumping to next level. The class has a double goal: preparing you to DELF exam structure and work on all of the aspects one needs to master in order to validate a level to successfully start the next one. A partial simulation of the DELF exam (except oral production part) in the end of the 10-week series will allow students to have a comprehensive evaluation of their skills.
Pace: Regular

Essential Everyday French Intermediate

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Chapters 10-17. This class aims to bring your conversational French to the next level. Learn how native speakers communicate on a day-to-day basis. Interaction and exchanges between students are facilitated by the instructor following weekly thematic topics that include essential vocabulary and grammar. This class is open to students who have successfully completed French 205. If you haven’t completed French 205, verify your level on our website under, “Find Your Level”.
Pace: Regular

Essential Everyday French Intermediate 1-9

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Chapters 1-9. This class aims to bring your conversational French to the next level. Learn how native speakers communicate on a day-to-day basis. Interaction and exchanges between students are facilitated by the instructor following weekly thematic topics that include essential vocabulary and grammar. This class is open to students who have successfully completed French 205. If you haven’t completed French 205, verify your level on our website under, “Find Your Level”.
Pace: Regular

Kick-Start French - Intermediate - B1

Short Programs

Immerse yourself in the beauty of the French language in our intensive review class, spanning four days with 2.5-hour sessions each day. Our experienced instructors will guide you through a comprehensive curriculum covering grammar, vocabulary, and conversation skills, all within small class sizes to ensure personalized attention. You'll participate in interactive learning, gain cultural insights, and develop practical language skills. This review class for B1 French level will effectively prepare you for the challenges ahead in your learning journey. Prerequisites: 305 or equivalent.

Littérature Française Advanced

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Spanning several terms, this course offers a unique opportunity for literature enthusiasts to delve deep into French literature across centuries. Featuring a selection of excerpts from diverse literary works, this class explores movements, styles, and iconic figures, providing historical context and fostering rich discussions. This comprehensive approach not only broadens students' understanding of literary evolution but also enhances their analytical skills through engaging and thought-provoking content. Perfect for students who have previously taken several literature classes with us and for new students wishing to deepen their literary horizons.
Pace: Regular

"French Couturiers and their legacy”. Le chic parisien d'hier à aujourd'hui

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Discover the fascinating history of French fashion through the iconic couturiers who have left their mark on their era. This course will explore the unique contributions of some of the most famous names in French fashion, shedding light on their impact on culture, art, and society.

We will begin by exploring the iconic legacy of Yves Saint Laurent; his collaborations with stars and his ties to art history, including iconic pieces like the Mondrian-inspired dress.

Then, we'll delve into Coco Chanel's pivotal role in women's emancipation, from popularizing trousers to her influence during the German occupation. We'll track the evolution of the Chanel Empire to the present, highlighting her enduring impact.

Following that, we'll conduct a detailed analysis of Dior and Courrèges, focusing on their contributions to women's liberation through innovations like the short skirt and the exploration of female body evolution in the 20th century.

Finally, we'll examine Jean-Paul Gaultier's groundbreaking work, his Parisian connections, his legendary collaboration with Madonna, and his influence on 2000s France. We'll also discuss the evolution of masculinity in fashion and the impact of fast fashion on the industry today.
Pace: Regular

Defining Moments in Art- A Morning

Specialty & Cultural Classes
For visual arts enthusiasts and those simply curious about the art world. Each week, examine several artworks to learn about the events, personalities and works that have had the greatest impact in their time. This is a highly interactive class using art as a vehicle of conversation. This class will explore art across various countries during World War II.
Pace: Regular

French Cinema

Specialty & Cultural Classes
This course offers an exploration of French cinema through the works of its most iconic actresses. Each session will focus on one or more of these legendary figures, highlighting their most significant films. You will expand your cinematic vocabulary, improve listening comprehension, and explore the history of French cinema while discovering cult films and unforgettable performances. On the program:

Simone Signoret: Discover her role in Casque d’or (1952), her gripping performance in Les Diaboliques (1955), and her portrayal in Le Chat (1971).
Jeanne Moreau: Explore her characters in Jules et Jim (1962), Baie des Anges (1963), and Journal intime d’une femme de chambre (1964).
Isabelle Huppert: Analyze her performance in Madame Bovary (1991), La Cérémonie (1995), and La Syndicaliste(2023).
Juliette Binoche: Enjoy her memorable roles in Blue (1993), With Love and Determination (2022), and The Taste of Things (2023).

Each session will include an introduction to the actress’s biography, an overview of the selected films, as well as film excerpts shown and analyzed in class to better understand the evolution of French cinema through these leading female figures.
Pace: Accelerated

French Ripped From The Headlines Intermediate

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Want to speak with a rich vocabulary and use idioms and common expressions spontaneously? Learn expressions and idioms from the podcast and participate in the spontaneous lively discussions with the group. This class is based on RFI’s “Le journal en Français Facile”! RFI-FF is a publicly supported nonprofit organisation that’s existed for 23 years and offers a wide range of subjects in its news broadcasts. Visit their website to see the examples of the themes to be covered in class. This class is open to B1 and B2 level students.
Pace: Regular

Littérature - lecture guidée

Specialty & Cultural Classes

Meet your fellow literature buffs, read and discuss your reading under expert guidance from Marie-Pierre Wolfe. Marie-Pierre will send you the weekly questionnaire to promote in-depth understanding of each book segment.

The book chosen for spring term is available from online retailers. Please make sure to purchase it before the start of the class. The book choice:

C'est une nouvelle policière de Georges Simenon dans un recueil de 4 nouvelles au titre générique de "Maigret et l'inspecteur malgracieux". Le titre de la nouvelle est: On Ne Tue Pas les Pauvres Types. Le commissaire Maigret est un personnage de fiction et héros de 75 romans policiers et de 27 nouvelles de Georges Simenon publiés entre 1931 et 1972. Physiquement, il s'agit d'un homme imposant, large d'épaules, à l'allure bourrue, aimant la bonne chair, le vin et les alcools, et fumeur de pipe invétéré. Sa technique d'investigation est fondée sur la compréhension de la personnalité des di!érents protagonistes d'une a!aire, tout en se laissant guider par son instinct.

Pace: Regular

Littérature Française Advanced

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Spanning several terms, this course offers a unique opportunity for literature enthusiasts to delve deep into French literature across centuries. Featuring a selection of excerpts from diverse literary works, this class explores movements, styles, and iconic figures, providing historical context and fostering rich discussions. This comprehensive approach not only broadens students' understanding of literary evolution but also enhances their analytical skills through engaging and thought-provoking content. Perfect for students who have previously taken several literature classes with us and for new students wishing to deepen their literary horizons.
Pace: Regular

Littérature Française Int

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Discover French literary works and authors with a well-structured textbook. Learn about different authors and read excerpts of their works. Perfect for those wishing to broaden their knowledge of French literature beyond the scope of a single book or author. Throughout the year, you will discover literary works from the Middle Ages to contemporary French literature. The curriculum is structured around a particular theme each term, with literary works chosen from different eras. This spring we will discuss 10 texts, ranging from the Middle Ages to the present day, that explore the boundaries between literature and philosophy, theater, history, and the visual arts, with Apollinaire’s Calligrammes.
Pace: Regular
B2 - Lower Advanced

"French Couturiers and their legacy”. Le chic parisien d'hier à aujourd'hui

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Discover the fascinating history of French fashion through the iconic couturiers who have left their mark on their era. This course will explore the unique contributions of some of the most famous names in French fashion, shedding light on their impact on culture, art, and society.

We will begin by exploring the iconic legacy of Yves Saint Laurent; his collaborations with stars and his ties to art history, including iconic pieces like the Mondrian-inspired dress.

Then, we'll delve into Coco Chanel's pivotal role in women's emancipation, from popularizing trousers to her influence during the German occupation. We'll track the evolution of the Chanel Empire to the present, highlighting her enduring impact.

Following that, we'll conduct a detailed analysis of Dior and Courrèges, focusing on their contributions to women's liberation through innovations like the short skirt and the exploration of female body evolution in the 20th century.

Finally, we'll examine Jean-Paul Gaultier's groundbreaking work, his Parisian connections, his legendary collaboration with Madonna, and his influence on 2000s France. We'll also discuss the evolution of masculinity in fashion and the impact of fast fashion on the industry today.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
401 class is the first step for students wishing to master B2 level. Défi 4 book offers different thematic units. A variety of societal and cultural themes are presented throughout the book using authentic documents (articles, video and audio clips). Class materials consist from the Student Book and Workbook.
Pace: Regular


Core Classes
402 class is the second step for students wishing to master the B2 level. Our B2 level Core Class is for students progressing from B1 level and wishing to master the B2 level.
Pace: Regular

Littérature Française Advanced

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Spanning several terms, this course offers a unique opportunity for literature enthusiasts to delve deep into French literature across centuries. Featuring a selection of excerpts from diverse literary works, this class explores movements, styles, and iconic figures, providing historical context and fostering rich discussions. This comprehensive approach not only broadens students' understanding of literary evolution but also enhances their analytical skills through engaging and thought-provoking content. Perfect for students who have previously taken several literature classes with us and for new students wishing to deepen their literary horizons.
Pace: Regular

"French Couturiers and their legacy”. Le chic parisien d'hier à aujourd'hui

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Discover the fascinating history of French fashion through the iconic couturiers who have left their mark on their era. This course will explore the unique contributions of some of the most famous names in French fashion, shedding light on their impact on culture, art, and society.

We will begin by exploring the iconic legacy of Yves Saint Laurent; his collaborations with stars and his ties to art history, including iconic pieces like the Mondrian-inspired dress.

Then, we'll delve into Coco Chanel's pivotal role in women's emancipation, from popularizing trousers to her influence during the German occupation. We'll track the evolution of the Chanel Empire to the present, highlighting her enduring impact.

Following that, we'll conduct a detailed analysis of Dior and Courrèges, focusing on their contributions to women's liberation through innovations like the short skirt and the exploration of female body evolution in the 20th century.

Finally, we'll examine Jean-Paul Gaultier's groundbreaking work, his Parisian connections, his legendary collaboration with Madonna, and his influence on 2000s France. We'll also discuss the evolution of masculinity in fashion and the impact of fast fashion on the industry today.
Pace: Regular

Discovering French Culture: A Journey Through Civilization

Specialty & Cultural Classes
This course offers a comprehensive synthesis of historical, political, social, and cultural knowledge essential for students. The curriculum is structured around two main axes:
1. Understanding the French system through its history, politics, and culture.
2. Exploration of French cultural achievements: literature, visual arts, performing arts, music.
At the core of linguistic expression lies civilization, which serves as its beating heart. Civilization not only narrates stories but also inspires storytelling, provokes reactions, imparts knowledge, and nurtures introspection. It serves as the foundation for meaningful cross-cultural dialogue. Join us in exploring the fascinating world of French civilization and culture in this year-long advanced French class. Feel free to join this class at any time, as it's non-sequential, and you can study the book chapters in any order you prefer.
Pace: Regular

Essential Everyday French Advanced 17-23

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Chapters 17-23. This class aims to teach you how to communicate like a native French person. Add useful expressions, proverbs and even a little slang to your existing French skills! Interaction and exchanges between students are facilitated by the instructor following weekly thematic topics that include essential vocabulary and grammar. This class is open to students who have successfully completed CECR B1 level. If you haven’t completed B1, verify your level on our website under, “Find Your Level”.
Pace: Regular

Essential Everyday French Advanced 37-42

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Chapters 37-42. This class aims to teach you how to communicate like a native French person. Add useful expressions, proverbs and even a little slang to your existing French skills! Interaction and exchanges between students are facilitated by the instructor following weekly thematic topics that include essential vocabulary and grammar. This class is open to students who have successfully completed CECR B1 level. If you haven’t completed B1, verify your level on our website under, “Find Your Level”.
Pace: Regular

Littérature Française Advanced

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Spanning several terms, this course offers a unique opportunity for literature enthusiasts to delve deep into French literature across centuries. Featuring a selection of excerpts from diverse literary works, this class explores movements, styles, and iconic figures, providing historical context and fostering rich discussions. This comprehensive approach not only broadens students' understanding of literary evolution but also enhances their analytical skills through engaging and thought-provoking content. Perfect for students who have previously taken several literature classes with us and for new students wishing to deepen their literary horizons.
Pace: Regular
C1 - Advanced

"French Couturiers and their legacy”. Le chic parisien d'hier à aujourd'hui

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Discover the fascinating history of French fashion through the iconic couturiers who have left their mark on their era. This course will explore the unique contributions of some of the most famous names in French fashion, shedding light on their impact on culture, art, and society.

We will begin by exploring the iconic legacy of Yves Saint Laurent; his collaborations with stars and his ties to art history, including iconic pieces like the Mondrian-inspired dress.

Then, we'll delve into Coco Chanel's pivotal role in women's emancipation, from popularizing trousers to her influence during the German occupation. We'll track the evolution of the Chanel Empire to the present, highlighting her enduring impact.

Following that, we'll conduct a detailed analysis of Dior and Courrèges, focusing on their contributions to women's liberation through innovations like the short skirt and the exploration of female body evolution in the 20th century.

Finally, we'll examine Jean-Paul Gaultier's groundbreaking work, his Parisian connections, his legendary collaboration with Madonna, and his influence on 2000s France. We'll also discuss the evolution of masculinity in fashion and the impact of fast fashion on the industry today.
Pace: Regular

Littérature Française Advanced

Specialty & Cultural Classes
Spanning several terms, this course offers a unique opportunity for literature enthusiasts to delve deep into French literature across centuries. Featuring a selection of excerpts from diverse literary works, this class explores movements, styles, and iconic figures, providing historical context and fostering rich discussions. This comprehensive approach not only broadens students' understanding of literary evolution but also enhances their analytical skills through engaging and thought-provoking content. Perfect for students who have previously taken several literature classes with us and for new students wishing to deepen their literary horizons.
Pace: Regular

Order This Course

$395.00 USD

Code: 25H Speak A2/B1
In this conversation class, we'll begin by refreshing essential grammar and vocabulary before diving into speaking practice.

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Street parking on SW 20th St. facing the Kamm House is limited. Free parking is available in Lot A at SW 18th and SW Columbia. Please obtain a parking pass from the office. After 6 pm weekdays, students may park in the Willamette Dental lot at SW 20th and SW Jefferson as available.


The Alliance office is open 10am-3pm Monday through Friday.
Call us at 503.223.8388 during business hours or leave a message.
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