Festinema Junior - Youth Film Festival

To celebrate the month of francophonie in March, the Alliance is presenting Festinema Junior, a francophone film festival. Festinema Junior is an annual festival created by the network of French Alliances in the United States for a young audience aged 4 to 18, with films generously provided by the French Institute.

The festival's objective is to foster the French language and Francophone cultures by showcasing films tailored for various age groups. Each film comes with complimentary educational resources designed to assist teachers in delving into diverse themes with their students both prior to and after the screenings. These explorations aim to enhance students' critical thinking skills and initiate the analysis of films.

The Festival has five goals:

1. Introduce young audiences to French-speaking cinema;
2. Integrate cinema as a teaching tool in classes;
3. Offer children of all socio-economical and cultural backgrounds an opportunity to see a film in foreign language in a special setting;
4. Teach young people to be critical in their analysis of films;
5. Promote synergies between Alliances Françaises and school networks offering French language learning.

All of the screenings are entirely FREE for the participating schools. The Alliance Française de Portland provides the films, along with educational portfolios for each film (in French).  The films are available for screening in April and May.  For inquiries about the festival, please contact Executive Director, Elene Zedginidze.

2025 Program

    7-12 ans

    Kina & Yuk : Renards de la banquise

    Film de Guillaume Maidatchevsky • 2022 • 1h20

    🇫Kina et Yuk, un couple de renards polaires prêt à fonder leur famille, vivent paisiblement sur la banquise du grand Nord Américain. La température est anormalement douce et la nourriture de plus en plus rare, obligeant Yuk à s’aventurer toujours plus loin pour subvenir à leurs besoins. Quand soudain, un craquement terrible causé par la fonte des glaces va venir perturber cette nature majestueuse et séparer nos renards, isolés chacun sur un bout de la banquise. Ils vont devoir braver tous les dangers et explorer de nouveaux territoires dans l’espoir de se retrouver à temps pour la naissance de leurs petits.

    Ce film explore des thèmes comme l’amitié et la nature à travers une aventure captivante au cœur des paysages glacés. Son approche accessible et ses personnages attachants en font un choix idéal pour cette tranche d’âge.

    🇺Kina and Yuk, a pair of Arctic foxes ready to start their family, live peacefully on the ice floes of the North American Arctic. The temperature is unusually mild, and food is becoming increasingly scarce, forcing Yuk to venture farther and farther to provide for them. Then suddenly, a terrible crack caused by the melting ice disrupts this majestic landscape, separating the two foxes, each stranded on a different piece of the ice floe. They must brave countless dangers and explore new territories in the hope of finding each other in time for the birth of their pu

    ps. This film explores themes of friendship and nature through a captivating adventure set in breathtaking frozen landscapes. Its accessible approach and endearing characters make it an ideal choice for this age group.

      13-15 ans

      Astérix et Obélix : mission Cléopâtre

      Film de Alain Chabat • 2002 • 1h47

      Nous sommes en LII (oui, 52 !) avant Jésus-Christ. Si toute la Gaule n'est pas occupée, l'Egypte de la grande Cléopâtre - oui, celle avec le nez - est, elle, sous le joug de l'Empire Romain. Pis, Cléopâtre s'est choisi pour jules, César, l'Empereur du plus grand des peuples. Qu'il dit. 

      Cette comédie culte, mêlant humour absurde et aventure, plonge les spectateurs dans l’univers hilarant des Gaulois face à l’Égypte antique. Avec son casting exceptionnel et ses dialogues mémorables, ce film sait séduire les adolescents grâce à son rythme effréné et son humour accessible.

      We are in the year LII (yes, 52!) before Jesus Christ. While not all of Gaul is occupied, the Egypt of the great Cleopatra—yes, the one with the famous nose—is under the rule of the Roman Empire. Worse yet, Cleopatra has chosen none other than Caesar, the Emperor of the greatest civilization. Or so he claims.

      This cult comedy, blending absurd humor and adventure, takes viewers on a hilarious journey as the Gauls face off against ancient Egypt. With its exceptional cast and unforgettable dialogue, this film captivates teenagers with its fast-paced action and accessible humor.



      Street parking on SW 20th St. facing the Kamm House is limited. Free parking is available in Lot A at SW 18th and SW Columbia. Please obtain a parking pass from the office. After 6 pm weekdays, students may park in the Willamette Dental lot at SW 20th and SW Jefferson as available.


      The Alliance office is open 10am-3pm Monday through Friday.
      Call us at 503.223.8388 during business hours or leave a message.
      Email us at  info@afportland.org.



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